17-18 Season
17-18 Season
Ido Ricklin returns to the Israeli Opera to direct Britten’s haunting score of Shakespeare’s comedy. Four lovers are lost in a night of agony and ecstasy at the center of which the queen of the fairies falls in love with an.. .ass.Read more
The greatest lover of all time chases women from land to land before he settles in Spain where he fails to add another conquest to the 1,003 women he already seduced there. One of the greatest operas ever written in a new captivating production.Read more
For the first time in Israel – Rimsky-Korsakov’s beguiling opera bases on a poem by Pushkin. A magical production featuring three sisters, three wishes and that everlasting haunting melody of the flight of the bumblebee.Read more
The powerful love story of the Queen of Carthage and the Trojan prince who conquers her heart only to leave her to die in her despair. A new colorful production of Purcell’s beguiling score setting to music Virgil’s emotional tale of love.Read more
The mythical poet Orfeo arrives at the Crusaders’ Court in Akko in his journey towards hell in a special production created for the Akko Opera Festival.Read more
erdi's "Jewish" opera showcases King Nebuchadnezzar who destroys the temple in Jerusalem and exiles the Israelites to Babylon where they sing the immortal slave chorus. Verdi's first true operatic success created especially for the park. Admission free.Read more