The Israeli Opera Tel-Aviv-Yafo
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    Dance Season 2023-2024

    Dance 2023-2024

    Dance 2023-2024

    James Thierree – La Compagnie du Hanneton
    La Compagnie du Hanneton from France presents the new opus of multidisciplinary choreographer James Thierree who creates a world in which the walls sing in a white room and the orchestra instruments and the human body become one entity moving in magical tunnels of light and laughter that disappear into the distance.
    Sankai Juku – Ushio Amagatsu
    Utsushi – between two mirrors
    The renowned Japanese company returns to Israel with a work which celebrates the beauty of life and nature through the creative eyes of Amagatsu
    and his unique dancers.
    Ballet du Capitole de Toulouse
    Choreographer Kader Belarbi brings to the stage the ravishing Parisian night life of the Belle Epoque, with its cabarets, Can-Can dancers and sweeping delights, all through the story of painter Toulouse-Lautrec danced to original music in an evening which is a love affair with the city of Paris.
    Ended shows
    Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater
    September 2023
    The important and beloved American dancer company returns to the opera house with two programs: one featuring the eternal works of Ailey and the other featuring new dance works created by Ailey’s followers in the company paired with Ailey’s Revelations.
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