Education in Schools

In a country where opera is a relatively young art, one of the main objects of the Israeli Opera since its inception has been to cultivate future opera lovers and to spread the magic of opera to as many people as possible, people of all ages, who otherwise wouldn’t have come to know the world of opera. The Israeli Opera has initiated numerous projects, also in venues other than the opera house, aiming to expand its activities and present itself in different ways to a wide and varied audience.

The Educational Programs A series of lectures and workshops Each year we offer varied and interesting educational programs for elementary schools, kindergartens, junior highs and high schools. The sessions are planned as a concentrated expressive process introducing theoretical and practical aspects of the art of opera. As the nature of the program is immediate and direct, the work groups are limited to up to 50 students. The program is modular and can be adjusted to the needs of different populations, in cooperation with the teachers especially for specific age groups. At the end of the series of sessions, the students attend one of the operas of the season. The Educational Program – a Description of the Series Who’s Afraid of Opera? * A first acquaintance with the world of opera, basic terms and historical background. How this special art form combines a variety of arts: music, theater and dance.

Opera and Cinema A first acquaintance with opera through popular well-known film productions. Learning the basic terms and turning the opera into a friendly and accessible concept.

Meet a Stage Director * How operas are staged, the difference between directing an opera and directing a theater play, the dramatic genres of opera and the different staging approaches. The students take an active part in this session.

Meet the Singers * Young Israeli opera singers meet the students, demonstrate operatic singing, tell about their career, the difficulties they encounter and their fulfilling experiences, and answer students’ questions. We invite you to support Community Outreach and Education Projects For donations and further information please contact Limor Sagi: Telephone: +972-3-6927782 Fax:: +972-3-6954886

How is an Operatic Character Formed? * A hands-on workshop on make-up and wigs. The opera’s professional make-up and wardrobe staff will explain the process of turning an opera singer into an operatic character by demonstrating wigs and makeup on the students.

Stage and Costume Design A detailed discussion on stage and costume design for opera, accompanied by video excerpts. Design styles, the choosing of materials and combining the design with the overall concept of the production.

Meet a Conductor A magical introduction to the world of sounds and music. An acquaintance with composers and different musical interpretations. What is the conductor’s role, what is a conductor’s interpretation and how can he affect the performance of the piece. (Recommended for music students).

A Backstage Tour A fascinating glimpse behind the scenes of the opera. The tour includes the auditorium, the stage, the scenery workshops, the wardrobe store, the wigs and make-up departments etc. Through the tour, its participants get a broadened view of the process of producing an opera performance with hundreds of participants.

A Preparatory Meeting Before attending a performance, the students learn about the plot of the opera, the director’s concept, the main musical motifs and the background of the production.

* sessions adequate for elementary schools and kindergartens

Since its establishment, the educational department of the Israeli Opera has introduced the operatic medium to thousands of pupils of different ages from all around the country. The department is in regular contact with the Omanut Laam (Art for the People) public association, Sal Tarbut – the cultural department of the Municipality of Tel Aviv and with Sal Tarbut Artzi – a cultural association of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport.

The activities of the department include series of lectures and workshops introducing the magical world of opera to as wide an audience as possible. These sessions bring people closer to the medium of opera and allow them to have a peek at the backstage of the largest and most impressive performance space in Israel. In addition, these sessions provide the participants with the means to better understand and analyze the piece. Students who have participated in the preparatory sessions were surprised to discover that an opera can communicate and be understood and that they are familiar with the music from daily life, the movies and the TV. The educational program is not limited to youngsters only. The Israeli Opera reaches out to the mature regular audience through the Towards Opening performances before each production. In these events members of the production team share their work experience with the audience and the singers perform excerpts of the relevant opera. Because it is impossible to accommodate the masses at the opera house free of charge and in order to reach the wide audience, some of the opera productions are screened, weather permitting, on a large screen at the Opera House piazza and via satellite to various towns throughout Israel. Thousands of enthusiastic opera fans gather regularly on summer eves to watch an opera free of charge and enjoy the special sounds, sights and atmosphere. Nowadays, The Israeli Opera and its activities are known to a wide audience, much wider than its subscribers and the keen ticket buyers. The Israeli Opera continues to spread the word of opera all over Israel in order to make people aware of this thrilling art form. In the summer of 2003 the opera performed Verdi’s Nabucco at the Yarkon Park in Tel Aviv in front of an audience of more then 120,000 viewers, who enjoyed this one time open air free of charge performance. Two years later, a similar number of opera fans attended a performance of Samson et Dalila by Saint Saens at the same venue.   For further details: The Educational Department of the Israeli Opera Tel: +972-3-6927863   Adopt a School: we would appreciate your donation to help broadening the educational activities for children and youth in the periphery and all over Israel. For donations and further details please contact the Director of Development Telephone: +972-3-6927848 Fax:: +972-3-6954886 For further information on donations and sponsorships please click here [link]   Children's Opera Hour The first opportunity for young children (aged 3-6) to enjoy the magical world of the opera through one-hour opera performances presented at the foyer of the Tel Aviv Performing Arts Center. The programs, specially adapted for children, vary weekly and are always fully directed, with costumes and a minimal set, accompanied by piano and narration in Hebrew. Children are invited to take an active part in the performances, thus deepening the experience. Opera Hour programs can also be performed in kindergartens and schools by special order, or alternatively can be booked in advance for performances at the opera house foyer for a specific group of children. The foyer can accommodate up to 200 children+escorts. The repertoire for includes: Hansel and Gretel (Humperdinck), Orfeo ed Euridice (Gluck), The Magic Flute (Mozart), Let's sing opera and other performances.