International Friends of the Israeli Opera
International Friends of the Israeli Opera
The Israeli Opera is launching their International Friends Organization so that now, you too can be part of the excellence, education and community enrichment activities that the Israeli Opera is doing.
At the Israeli Opera, even if every performance is sold out, ticket sales only cover about half of what it costs to produce what you see on stage. Donations account for the difference, with gifts from individuals like you as our principal source of contributed income. Because of the generosity of people like you, Israeli Opera has the solid financial foundation to present world-class opera productions of the highest caliber with the most talented artists of our time and facilitate community outreach efforts that strength the fabric of Israeli society.
When you make a gift to Israeli Opera, your contribution goes directly to support the performances and programs you appreciate. You help us share our innovative Education and Community Outreach programs with more than 200,000 children, students and community residents annually and you make it possible to plan future seasons of Israeli Opera.
Your gift - no matter how large or small - will go directly toward the programs that make Israeli Opera the dynamic artistic organization you expect.
INTERNATIONAL FRIENDS ASSOCIATIONS OF THE ISRAELI OPERA david@dbuchler.com USA Ilana & Reuven Sacher • reuvensacher@gmail.com • Tel: +1-908-500-0301
Great Britain David Buchler •All donations are tax deductible.