General Information

Box Office and Subscriptions:





Box Office:

Subscription Department:


The Shlomo Lahat (Cheech) Opera House – The Tel Aviv Performing Arts Center

19 Shaul Hamelech Boulevard, Tel Aviv

Box Office and Subscription Department Hours:

Sunday-Thursday: 09:00 to 18:00 

Saturday and Holidays: Two hours before each performance

Public Transportation

The Israeli Opera can be reached by the following bus lines: 9, 142, 38, 82

By Train

The Performing Arts Center is closest to "HaShalom" train station.

By Car

We advise you to park at the Golda Center parking lot (paid parking). Entrance from Leonardo da Vinci Street or Berkovich Street. This parking lot accepts payment by credit card and/or mobile app only. Cash payments are not accepted. It is recommended to check Ahuzot HaHof website for updates. Parking operator: Ahuzot HaHof (self-operated) 03-7610300. 

Additional nearby parking lots:

Neot Aviv Parking Lot - 7 Dubnov St

Ahuzot HaHof Parking Lot - 4 Dubnov St

Parking Lot - 3 Daniel Frisch St

Mifal Ha’Payis Parking - 5 Leonardo Da Vinci St.

Museum Tower Parking - 5-7 Rivka Sieff St.